02/05/2025, the PhD student Prasant Basnet started a graduate internship at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
11/16/2024, our article “Multi-Timescale Modeling Framework of Hybrid Power Plants Providing Secondary Frequency Regulation” was accepted for publication in IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy.
10/06/2024, our project titled “Unlocking Dynamic Thermal Rating Benefits for Distribution Systems” has been selected for funding by the DOE Office of Electricity. Cheers!
09/01/2024, our article “Stable Relay Learning Optimization Approach for Fast Power System Production Cost Minimization Simulation” was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
08/11/2024, our article “DC Near-area Voltage Stability Constrained Renewable Energy Integration for Regional Power Grids” was accepted for publication in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution.
07/1/2024, our article “Frequency Security-Constrained Unit Commitment with Fast Frequency Support of DFIG-Based Wind Power Plants” was accepted for publication in International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems.
05/16/2024, the PhD student Yuxin Deng started a graduate internship at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
04/21/2024, our article “On the Decomposition of Locational Marginal Hydrogen Pricing? Part II: Solution Approach and Numerical Results” was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
03/19/2024, our project titled “Digital Twin Addressing Multi-Scale Operational Needs of IBR-rich Grids (DIAMOND)” has been selected for funding by the DOE Solar Energy Technologies Office. Cheers!
02/25/2024, our paper titled “Addressing Wind Power Forecast Errors in Day-Ahead Pricing With Energy Storage Systems: A Distributionally Robust Joint Chance-Constrained Approach” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
02/21/2024, our paper titled “Frequency Nadir Constrained Unit Commitment for High Renewable Penetration Island Power Systems,” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy!
02/01/2024, our paper “Transmission-and-Distribution Dynamic Co-Simulation Framework for Distributed Energy Resource Frequency Response” published in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid has been selected as the 2024 PES Power Systems Operation, Planning and Economics (PSOPE ) Committee prize paper. Cheers! The paper can be found at This paper designed a transmission and distribution dynamic simulation framework that can study distributed energy resources frequency regulation services efficiently and accurately. It developed a first-of-it-kind 2000-bus transmission and 1 million-bus distribution networks for the simulation.
01/17/2024, our paper titled “Electric Vehicles Charging Time Constrained Deliverable Secondary Frequency Regulation Provision” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
12/22/2023, Dr. Fang was recognized as the Outstanding Associate Editor and Outstanding Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems in 2023!
11/6/2023, our paper titled “Power Sharing-Based Fast AGC Allocation Framework for Distributed Energy Resources,” has been accepted by 2024 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition, 6-9 May 2024 Anaheim, CA, USA.
11/1/2023, our paper titled “Implications of Electricity and Gas Price Coupling in U.S. New England Region,” has been accepted by Science (Cell Press).
09/26/2023, our paper titled “Demonstrating the Transient System Impact of Cyber-Physical Events through Scalable Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Co-simulation” has been accepted by CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (CSEE JPES, SCI indexed).
09/21/2023, I’m excited to share that our project “HVDC-Learn: Modular Education & Workforce Training in High Voltage Direct Current Electric Transmission” led by Prof. James McCalley at Iowa State University has been funded by DOE Wind Energy Technology Office.
08/21/2023, I’m excited to share that our project “Collaborative Research: CyberTraining: Pilot: PowerCyber: Computational Training for Power Engineering Researchers” has been funded by National Science Foundation (NSF). In this project, I will collaborate with Dr. Hantao Cui from Oklahoma State University to develop an online, modular, and openly available PowerCyber training to prepare power engineering researchers with a comprehensive understanding of advanced CI software, hardware, and emerging CI technologies. If interested in the developed modules, please check the project link at
07/30/2023, Dr. Xin Fang is promoted to the vice chair of IEEE Power and Energy Society, Power System Operation, Planning and Economics Committee, Bulk Power System Planning Subcommittee.
06/10/2023, our paper titled “A Unified Analytical Method to Quantify Three Types of Fast Frequency Response from Inverter-based Resources” has been accepted by 22nd Wind & Solar Integration Workshop 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
On 04/03/2023, our paper, “Distributed PV Hosting Capacity Evaluation Considering Equitable PV Accommodation,” was accepted by the 2023 IEEE Kansas Power and Energy Conference.
On 04/03/2023, our paper, “Battery Degradation Modeling in Hybrid Power Plants: An Island System Unit Commitment Study,” was accepted by the 2023 IEEE Kansas Power and Energy Conference.
04/03/2023, our paper titled “Impact of Transportation Electrification on the System’s Dynamic Frequency Response” has been accepted by the 2023 IEEE Kansas Power and Energy Conference.
03/15/2023, our paper titled “Developing Frequency Stability Constraint for Unit Commitment Problem Considering High Penetration of Renewables” has been accepted by the 50th IEEE PVSC.
03/02/2023, Dr. Fang was recognized as one of the Outstanding Reviewers for IEEE Transactions on Power Systems in 2022.
02/08/2023, our paper titled “On Thermal Dynamics Embedded Static Voltage Stability Margin” has been accepted by IEEE PES Letter.
01/05/2023, Dr. Xin Fang is recognized as one of the five Outstanding Associate Editors of IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy in 2022.
12/13/2022, Our paper titled “Manage Real-Time Power Imbalance with Renewable Energy: Fast Generation Dispatch or Adaptive Frequency Regulation?” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
11/01/2022, Our paper titled “How Can Probabilistic Solar Power Forecasts Be Used to Lower Costs and Improve Reliability in Power Spot Markets? “ has been accepted by the IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy.
10/30/2022, Our paper titled “Impact of Open Communication Networks on Load Frequency Control with Plug-In Electric Vehicles By Cyber-Physical Dynamic Co-simulation” has been accepted by IEEE ISGT 2023.